Wuthering Heights, design by Ruben Toledo
The Sickness Unto Death, design by David Pearson
There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor's Baby, design by Christopher Brand
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov, design by Barbara de Wilde
Pure, design by Cara Petrus
The Book of Fathers: design by John Gall, collage by Nicole Natri
The Children's Book, design by Stephen Parker
The City Out My Window
The End of Food, design by Mark Robinson
Time, design by Henry Sene Yee
Let the Great World Spin; design by Robbin Schiff & Anna Bauer, drawing by Matteo Pericoli
Animals and Objects In and Out of Water, illustration by Jay Ryan
The Gone-Away World, design by Evan Gaffney
Chronic City, design by Rodrigo Corral
Beat the Reaper, design by Ploy Siripant
The Bedside Book of Beasts, design by CS Richardson
The Anthologist, design by Jason J. Heuer
After the Fire, A Still Small Voice
Never Trust a Thin Cook
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
The Prince, design by Jaya Miceli
We Saw the Light, design and illustration by Brad Norr
Land of Necessity, design by Heather Hensley
Hysteria Complicated by Ecstasy
Invisible, design by Lisa Fyfe
Arcana & Other Poems, design by Tony Frazer, photo by Alex Nikada
Nineteen Seventy-Seven, design by Gregg Kulick
Nineteen-Seventy Four
Найлепшымі кнігамі, на думку Дозэфа Салівана ёсць наступныя:
The Great Perhaps, design by Jamie Keenan
The Double Life is Twice as Good, design by Rex Bonomelli
Cheers! A History of Beer in Canada, design by David Gee
Tiepolo Pink, design by Peter Mendelsund
The Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime, illustration by Jaya Miceli
Perforated Heart, design by Jason Heuer
The Book of Dead Philosophers, design by John Gall
Experimental Geography, design by Kelly Blair
Valkyrie, design by Jason Booher
K Blows Top, design by Pete Garceau
Nineteen-Eighty Four, UK edition, design by Gray318
Impossible Motherhood, design by Carin Goldberg
How to Be Inappropriate, design by Alvaro Villanueva
Columbine, design by Henry Sene Yee
Chronic City, UK edition, design by Miriam Rosenbloom